Contact Lenses / Information


Here you find the best information about contact lenses and other related topics.

Most Common Eye Colors

Different eye colors close-up

Explore the distribution and rarity of eye colors around the world, from the common brown eyes to the rare green and gray hues.

Contact Lenses and Dry Eyes

Dry eyes with contact lenses

Dry eyes can be a common issue for contact lens wearers. See the connection between contact lenses and dry eyes, and learn how to manage this condition effectively.

Can You Use Daily Disposable Lenses for Multiple Days?

Daily disposable contact lenses multiple days

Daily disposable contact lenses are designed for single use only. Learn why using them for multiple days is not recommended for eye health.

Monthly or Daily Contact Lenses?

Monthly and Daily Contact Lenses Comparison

Choosing between monthly and daily contact lenses depends on various factors including lifestyle, budget, and eye health. Learn which type might be the best for you.

Can You Sleep With Contact Lenses?

Person sleeping with contact lenses

Sleeping with contact lenses on is generally not recommended due to the increased risk of eye infections and complications.

Contact Lenses vs Glasses: Which is Right for You?

Contact Lenses and Glasses side by side

Deciding between contact lenses and glasses depends on lifestyle, comfort, budget, and aesthetics. We explore the pros and cons of each.

Why does it say 123 on my contact lenses?

123 marking on contact lens

You might have noticed numbers on your contact lenses before, but do you know why they are there, and what you can use them for?

Can I buy contact lenses online?

4 different contact lenses

Many people buy their contact lenses at the optician's. It is completely natural, as this is where you first try contact lenses and find out which ones and what glasses you need. But did you know that you can actually buy contact lenses online?

How to travel with contact lenses

Woman in an airport

Planning to travel with contact lenses? We've got you covered. We discuss various things you need to keep in mind when you are about to travel with contacts.

Can you use contact lenses under water?

Woman swimming underwater

A question many contact lens users come across one day is: can you wear contact lenses under water? The short answer is: no. You should avoid wearing contact lenses under water.